• Compilers. A compiler translates the source code to target code. The target code may be the machine
language for a particular platform or embedded device. The target code could be another source
language; for example, the earliest C++ compiler translated C++ into C, another higher-level language.
The resulting C code was then processed by a C compiler to produce an executable program. C++
compilers today translate C++ directly into machine language.
The complete set of build tools for C++ includes a preprocessor, compiler, and linker:
– Preprocessor—adds to or modifies the contents of the source file before the compiler begins
processing the code. We use the services of the preprocessor mainly to #include information
about library routines our programs use.
– Compiler—translates C++ source code to machine code.
– Linker—combines the compiler-generated machine code with precompiled library code or
compiled code from other sources to make a complete executable program. Most compiled
C++ code is incapable of running by itself and needs some additional machine code to make a
complete executable program. The missing machine code has been precompiled and stored in
a repository of code called a library. A program called a linker combines the programmer’s
compiled code and the library code to make a complete program.
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language for a particular platform or embedded device. The target code could be another source
language; for example, the earliest C++ compiler translated C++ into C, another higher-level language.
The resulting C code was then processed by a C compiler to produce an executable program. C++
compilers today translate C++ directly into machine language.
The complete set of build tools for C++ includes a preprocessor, compiler, and linker:
– Preprocessor—adds to or modifies the contents of the source file before the compiler begins
processing the code. We use the services of the preprocessor mainly to #include information
about library routines our programs use.
– Compiler—translates C++ source code to machine code.
– Linker—combines the compiler-generated machine code with precompiled library code or
compiled code from other sources to make a complete executable program. Most compiled
C++ code is incapable of running by itself and needs some additional machine code to make a
complete executable program. The missing machine code has been precompiled and stored in
a repository of code called a library. A program called a linker combines the programmer’s
compiled code and the library code to make a complete program.
Source: freecomputerbooks.com
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